Mihai is our Romanian genius. He has been living in Iceland since 2015 and has worked at various jobs until he found his passion for the work of a guide. He really knows his way around the glacier and his favorite thing to do is ice climbing. In his free time, he loves kayaking, reading, and watching/playing sports. Mihai takes very good care of everyone around him and is very fun to be around.
If Mihai would be a fruit, he would be a tomato, because its always considered a vegetable and so it stands by itself. 🍅
Summary of education and qualifications:
Guiding related
- Extended Drivers License (D1)
- AIMG Glacier Guide course 1
- AIMG Glacier Guide course 2
- AIMG Glacier Guide course 3
- AIMG Ice Cave course
- Wilderness First Responder (WFR)
- Psychology from a Uni In Germany